Down Syndrome Treatment

We provide a the best down syndrome treatment for children.

Therapies for Child

There are a many therapies to improve your children skills.

Balance Board Therapy

Balance board is a device used as a circus ability,musical training and other kinds of personal development.


A system of treating disease by giving extremely small amounts of the natural substances that, if given in larger amounts to a healthy child, would produce the same effects as the disease.

Types Of Down Syndrome

There are three types of Down Syndrome.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Treatment of Down Syndrome

Treatments/therapies for Down Syndrom

At IIAHP, there are a lot of therapists, treatments, and educational Support available to improve the quality of life of those children who are affected by down syndrome. The exact course of treatment depends on the individual, taking into account the age, overall health, climate, and personal strengths and weakness. We give the best results for down syndrome treatment

Down Syndrome Treatment

Therapies for Down Syndrome

Unsurprisingly, early intervention produces the best results. Young children are always in
the process of developing speech and motor habits; by acting early, parents can foster the appropriate physical and behavioral skills so that they become a habit. Different therapies can help even before a child with down syndrome reaches school age.

Speech-language Therapy

Speech-language therapy addresses communication and language skills by focusing on articulation, cognitive skills, and strengthening the oral muscles (tongue, lips). 
Speech-language therapy can be employed at the infant and toddler stages. The overall goal is to improve the child’s ability to communicate. One thing to watch out for, in particular, is hearing loss. Due to anatomical differences in children with 
Down Syndrome, they are prone to fluid retention behind the eardrum that can cause hearing loss. Even though the fluid can be drained, this sometimes-chronic condition
exemplifies how a child’s learning of auditory language can be disrupted. The result is, of course, life-long difficulties in speech and understanding. Communication takes many forms, and your child’s specific needs will shape what is stressed during therapy

Occupational Therapy

As the name suggests, occupational therapy is designed to improve the day-to-day 
Skills are needed to live a healthy life and to navigate society successfully. Unlike physical therapists, occupational therapists work on improving fine motor skills and the performance of daily tasks like getting dressed, brushing one’s teeth, and eating. As the child gets older, 
the focus will shift to skills like writing and using a computer.

Down Syndrome Treatment

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is a term used to describe devices that help children with a disability
function better. These devices can be anything from hearing aids, pencil/pen grips, seat cushions, and walking aids to large-button mobile phones and large-letter keyboards. 
Touchscreen tablets and computers are useful for children with Down Syndrome who struggle with subtle motor movements. Educational software approaches learning via 
interaction and implementing sight, sound, and touch, which can make lessons more
accessible and appealing.

Special Education

Children with Down Syndrome are eligible under the U.S. of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This means that educational services and accommodations should be made available to these children until they either finish
high school or reach the age of 21. These services and accommodations will be
delineated through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) drawn up by the school, 
parents, and health professionals.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Causes of Down syndrome

Causes of Down syndrome (Down Syndrome Treatment)

Down syndrome is a common genetic disorder that occurs when a child has an additional copy of chromosome twenty-one. Such tiny structures inheriting chromosomes by children within every human cell containing DNA from their parents play a crucial role in determining how a baby develops, 
for instance, whether they will be tall or short, curly or straight hair, have dark or light skin.

Usually, a mother egg and a father sperm each start with 23 chromosomes. When 
the egg and sperm meet at conception, a kid inherits twenty-three chromosomes from 
every parent has to end up with a total of 46 chromosomes.

During cell division, a change occurs in Down syndrome, so that the egg or sperm has a twenty-one extra chromosome. Researchers are still unsure about what causes the cells to split in this way (although the chance of this happening increases with increased maternal age). If this egg or sperm is fertilised, the baby ends up with
3 copies of the twenty-first chromosome or Trisomy twenty-one. This extra genetic stuff causes the health and developmental issues of Down syndrome.
Down Syndrome Treatment

Symptoms of Down syndrome.

Down syndrome can affect kids physically, cognitively, and behaviorally. Every child with
the disorder is unique and may possess the following features to various degrees, 
or not at all. 

Physical characteristics

kid with Down syndrome have some of the following physical features:

  •     upward slant eyes, from inner corner to outer corner
  •     small hands with short fingers and short necks
  •     one single crease that goes straight across the palm, and a 2nd crease that curves down by the thumb, rather than 3 creases in the palm of the hand
  •     shorter than average height
  •     low muscle tone throughout the body and excessively loose joints

Developmental, cognitive and behavioural symptoms (Down Syndrome Treatment)

Most kids with Down syndrome meet developmental milestones latterly than other kid, 
including the ability to walk and talk. Through attention span, verbal memory, and articulate speech, they often have mild to medium intellectual disability.
Down Syndrome Treatment

Behavioural problems such as stubbornness, impulsivity and temper tantrums may be more common in kids with Down syndrome. Many children ask 
Out loud as a way to understand and process information.

Other hands, many children with Down syndrome have strong social skills. Even as infants, 
many use non-verbal communication to connect with others. They are often good visual learners, understanding information best when they may see it, either through pictures, 
objects, or demonstrations. Many kids with Down syndrome learn to read words sooner than their parents or teachers expect.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Types of Down Syndrome

Types of Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome has three types.

1. Trisomy 21 (nondisjunction)
2. Mosaicism
3. Translocation

Below is a chart outlining the process of normal cell division.

Trisomy 21 (Nondisjunction) (Down Syndrome Treatment)

Down Syndrome is ordinarily caused by an error in cell division called “nondisjunction.”
Nondisjunction results in an embryo with three of chromosome twenty-one instead of the usual two. Prior to or at conception, pairs of 21st chromosomes in either sperm or
the egg fails to separate.

As the embryo develops, the extra chromosome replicates in every cell of the body. In most cases this
type of Down syndrome Trisomy 21, counts for 95%.

Types of Down Syndrome


Mosaicism (or mosaic Down syndrome) exists when there is a mixture of two types of
cells, some are containing the usual 46 chromosomes and some containing forty-seven.
Those cells with forty-seven chromosomes contain an extra chromosome 21.

Mosaicism is the least usual form of Down syndrome. It accounts for only about one
per cent of all cases of Down syndrome. Research indicates that individuals with
mosaic down syndrome may have different features as compared to the other one. However, broad generalisations are
not possible due to the full range of abilities children with Down syndrome possess.

Translocation (Down Syndrome Treatment)

In translocation, which accounts for about four per cent of cases of Down syndrome,
the total number of chromosomes in the cells remains forty-six. However, an extra copy of chromosome 21 in whole or in part is connected to another chromosome, normally fourteen chromosomes. The presence of the extra full or partial chromosome
twenty one causes the characteristics of Down syndrome.

Types of Down Syndrome

Can people with Down syndrome marry (Down Syndrome Treatment)

Many people with Down syndrome marry. Although there have rare exceptions,
most men with Down syndrome cannot become the father of a child. In any pregnancy, a woman
with Down syndrome has a 50/50 chance of conceiving a kid with Down syndrome,
although several of the pregnancies are miscarried.

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome

Down syndrome, called Trisomy 21, is a condition in which a child is born with an extra chromosome. Chromosomes contain hundreds, or even thousands, of genes.
Genes carry the information that determines your traits. With Down syndrome, the extra
chromosome causes delays in the way a kid develops, physically and mentally physical features and medical problems associated with Down syndrome can vary widely from kid to kid. While some kids with down syndrome need a lot of medical attention, another need healthy lives. Down syndrome may be detected before a kid is born. The health problems that may go along with down syndrome be treated and many resources were available to support kids and their families who are living with the condition.
IIAHP gives you the amazing results of down syndrome treatment.
Down Syndrome  
Causes of Down Syndrome
Usually, at the time of conception, a baby inherits genetic information from their parents in
the form of 46 chromosomes: twenty-three from the mother and twenty-three from the father.
In many cases of Down syndrome, a kid gets an extra chromosome 21 for a total of 47
Chromosomes instead of forty-six. It's this additional genetic material that reason the physical
features and developmental delays associated with Down syndrome.
According to research, women age of Thirty-five and older have a significantly higher risk of having a kid with the condition. For example, at age thirty,
a woman has about a 1 in one thousand chance of conceiving a child with
Down syndrome. This also increases to about 1 in 400 by age thirty-five. By 40, the risk rises to
about one in a hundred.
Down syndrome and medical problems
Kids with Down syndrome may have a variety of health issues. Around half are born with a congenital heart defect, a structural problem with the heart that develops during pregnancy.
The most common congenital heart defects in a kid with Down syndrome include:
atrioventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus and tetralogy of Fallot

    Many kids with heart defects also develop pulmonary hypertension, a condition, if left untreated, can cause permanent damage to the lung.

    Other health issues that commonly affect kids with Down syndrome include:
    Down Syndrome

    • hearing loss
    • vision problems
    • ear infections
    • obstructive sleep apnea